How do I know if I need my item to be media blasted?
Media blasting is used to take old finishes off of vehicles or other items to prepare them for new coatings. Media blasting can reveal hidden damage on your vehicle covered by dirt and other coatings.
How does media blasting work?
Media blasting combines air with an abrasive media from glass bead to sand. More delicate projects will use potassium.
Will media blasting remove my paint job?
Media blasting is used to remove old coatings from the part or vehicle.
What is powder coating? Is it like painting?
Powder coating is the act of heating up a part and applying powder to that part, then baking that part again to adhere the powder to the item in question. It is similar to paint but much more durable.
How long will the process take?
Powder coating can take some time, depending on the actual item being coated. We have to prep the item, blast it, then coat it. All items very but could be as little as a few hours up to a few days.
How long does powder coating last? Is it longer than regular a regular paint job?
Powder coating like all coatings last as long as possible with the proper care of the item. If properly taken care of could last as long as you own it.
What are the advantages of powder coating vs regular paint?
Powder coating is resistant to chipping or scratching where typical paint is not.
What choices of colors do you have for powder coating?
There are thousands of colors available for powder coating.